Sanitary in a sentence as an adjective

The iTunes Store, on the other hand, seems quite sanitary for these queries.

How on earth is cleaning your butt with water gross, but smearing **** all over it with paper sanitary?

That's why we use it for stuff like medical implants, safety gloves, food storage, sanitary containers ... you name it.

If you can't afford sanitary napkins, can you afford a pot specifically for boiling your cup?

Our experience is that it is actually an excellent sanitary decision.

These are basically luxury items that are intended for people who already have access to sanitary pads.

The City of Ottawa blames geese for E. coli despite routinely dumping raw sewage into the Ottawa river due to linked storm and sanitary sewers.

Now he helps rural villages install, run and make money off of machines which produce sanitary napkins for pennies on the dollar, and at the same time teach local women how to use them and break cultural taboos.

Then the author of this "article" says the bag ban should be repealed because people won't wash their reusable bags then she calls the bag ban a movement of the nanny state because nanny states never protect people from their basic lack of sanitary practices?

Some of you may remember articles about Arunachalam Muruganantham, an uneducated man who lost his family, friends and whole way of life in order to bring affordable sanitary pads to girls and women in India.

One of the reasons given for clearing the park was unsanitary conditions, which I can personally attest was BS - OWS was always sanitary, and when the mayor began using sanitation as a reason to clear things out OWS became fanatical about cleanliness.

Sanitary definitions


free from filth and pathogens; "sanitary conditions for preparing food"; "a sanitary washroom"

See also: healthful