Sands in a sentence as a noun

However it should also be posted to a blog so it's not lost to the sands of time.

Round the decay\nOf that colossal wreck, boundless and bare\nThe lone and level sands stretch far away.

It's a tower of power that's built on sands that shift so fast it makes the stock market look like a simple linear function.

There flashed through his brain, clearer than ever before, the blue of Adriatic water, the yellow of Algerian sands.

I appreciate your passion but before you build a tower to space, you should probably make sure you're not building on shifting sands first.

There might be a time when the stubborn tar sands are actually the cheapest, and the only other types of oil are even more colossally expensive.

We've pulled out of Iraq and Afghanistan because the Middle East is no longer strategically important to us, saving thousands of lives in those wars.

Whether this was a reflection of his true character, or a political affectation, doesn't really matter; the distinction has been lost to the sands of time.

Technically, it's not a non-issue, but it is easier to deal with than, say, the horribly toxic tailings ponds that you get from most mining processes, or the residues from the tar sands.

It has ulterior motives, but many of them are "meta" motives rather than specific ones like oil-sands, because it's not one national government setting the priority.

Those companies actually have tens of thousands of very well paid workers sitting around --literally-- all day doing nothing due to union contracts dealing with automation and other issues.

In the embedded space, a system may run for decades...that's plenty of time for a company to go belly-up, or be acquired, or any of dozens of other outcomes that lead to the source code for the device being lost to the sands of time.

It's not just number theory; it's a web of interlocking state machines implementing the TLS protocol, which itself depends on a variety of different marshalling formats for the number theoretic parameters, built on the shifting sands of optimizations for different machines, all evolved over the the course of ~15 years, starting from a package that was, literally, Eric Young's "teach myself C" project.

Sands definitions


the region of the shore of a lake or sea or ocean

See also: littoral litoral