Sanctify in a sentence as a verb

If there is a consensus, then let the Chinese people sanctify it with a democratic vote.

Democracy isn’t a sacrament, it doesn’t sanctify the government.

Consequently they cannot, from their perspective, sanctify a marriage of that sort.

I wonder why you are completely willing to ignore this data and instead blame the victims and sanctify the distributors.

If you want to have a religious ceremony to celebrate and "sanctify" your government granted marriage, so be it.

Instead by claiming our objectivity, we're sanctifying our subjective ideas.

> It is typically used to bring a sense of bring out positive emotions, to inspire, to bring facility to humanity, to sanctify.

It is typically used to bring a sense of bring out positive emotions, to inspire, to bring facility to humanity, to sanctify.

Motorola is doing scummy stuff but it's probably better for one's metal health not to sanctify a particular individual.

>Why does my relationship need to be officially registered?Because most humans are moronic enough, to value bit and pieces of paper that officially sanctify a relationship.

For example, one of the most famous Church Fathers, one still recognized as a saint by most Christian denominations, wrote as early as 4th century:"Should you hear any one in the public thoroughfare, or in the midst of the forum, blaspheming God; go up to him and rebuke him; and should it be necessary to inflict blows, spare not to do so. Smite him on the face; strike his mouth; sanctify your hand with the blow, and if any should accuse you, and drag you to the place of justice, follow them, and when the judge ... calls you to account, say boldly that the man blasphemed the King of angels!

Sanctify definitions


render holy by means of religious rites

See also: consecrate bless hallow


make pure or free from sin or guilt; "he left the monastery purified"

See also: purify purge