Sanctified in a sentence as an adjective

Its nothing more than state sanctified crack *******.

3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

Its not good water or bad water; its desecrated water or sanctified water.

Is private property really still sanctified when so much of our wealth has come from robbery, slavery, and rents extracted under intimidation?

I swear, I feel like I'm living in some kind of bizzaro world where everything copyrighted, trademarked, patented, cursed & sanctified...

In the former, the cause of the honor and distinction of the day is given: "Therefore the Lord blessed the day of the Sabbath and sanctified it", and the cause for this is, "For in six days," etc.

>doesn't make me any more potentially-spied-on than I already wasThat's the logic that brought us ads plastered all across the web, with nothing sanctified, including the _content_ of the web page.

I think it's sinful for Julian, or anyone else to seek information that isn't blessed by the State - and anyone seeking knowledge that is not sanctified by my Representatives is unacceptable.

The general sense I've gotten from the American public is that the police are a paramilitary organization sanctified by the government.

Nearly the same argument is made that the Bible is truth and not subject to any criteria except by those of its authors to be accepted by its reader and interpreted only by a sanctified priesthood.

Is private property really still sanctified when so much of our wealth has come from robbery, slavery, and rents extracted under intimidation?Strong property rights are very useful to a healthy economy, but sanctified?

If you truly believe that marriage is something that can only happen between a man and a woman, that it's sanctified by tradition and some ineffable spiritual wisdom, then you won't think of yourself as denying homosexual couples the right to marry.

Sanctified definitions


made or declared or believed to be holy; devoted to a deity or some religious ceremony or use; "a consecrated church"; "the sacred mosque"; "sacred elephants"; "sacred bread and wine"; "sanctified wine"

See also: consecrated sacred