Saline in a sentence as a noun

A bag of IV saline is a commodity.

Why use saline?You could even use a cardiopulmonary bypass to rapidly cool a patients own blood.

These typically come in a clunky red container, containing a large needle filled with saline and a vile containing a white powder.

Unless you were breathing an isotonic saline solution, your blood would quickly become either too thick or too dilute to support life.

Giving someone a saline shot creates a stronger effect than giving them a sugar pill; I don't know where chiropracty exists on that spectrum.

Mind you, nowhere do they quote the temperature, the pressure, what their saline solution actually is, how many failure experiments they ran, etc.

And whether we add additional medications or not to the saline, it’s that mechanical flushing and lavage that really has a tremendous effect.

Meanwhile: there is literally no differentiation between different suppliers of IV saline; it's a standardized product.

Saline in a sentence as an adjective

> happens to be to temporarily replace the patient's blood with a saline fluidWhich, according to the article, has the effect of stopping the heart as well as brain activity.

Similarly, if I'm out of saline or need some allergy medicine while traveling, I'm likely to grab it at Walmart, because all their stores are laid out the same and I can find what I need blindfolded.

The best way of doing this happens to be to temporarily replace the patient's blood with a saline fluid, and if you think that's "killing" the patient, then I suggest you grab the nearest dictionary and smack yourself with it.

This forces your calcium crystalline frame-member to depress, compressing your saline-filled lipid-polymer foam skin against the keyboard.

" If someone decided to stop the operation halfway through without replacing the saline solution or reviving the patient, it would make sense to me to claim that the "time of death" was the time at which brain activity ceased.

A third example is the way the mice are selected for the experiment, apparently you can get better results if you practice picking up the mice and injecting them with saline each day for a week before you start injecting them with the actual drug.

If you took all the people in the world who say they have chronic sinusitis, and you put them all on nasal saline irrigations, a big proportion would not have any symptoms anymore.>After that would be medications, like steroids, which are anti-inflammatory *****.

Decongestants, when appropriately used for a limited duration, are incredibly effective at relieving the obstruction and letting the sinuses drain.>The sinusitis patients who do well are the ones who really abide by using the neti pot or the saline irrigation bottles.

Saline definitions


an isotonic solution of sodium chloride and distilled water


containing salt; "a saline substance "; "salty tears"