Salaciousness in a sentence as a noun

There is actual virtue in these tools, though admittedly most of our hits probably come from the salaciousness factor.

"Any time one examines a large group of adults, or really any post-pubescent people, many of them will have sex with each other... because it's fun. Why this should be a surprise, beyond simple salaciousness, is beyond me.

At best, such gossip is industry 'inside baseball'... and so it should be judged for accuracy and relevance, not snark and salaciousness.

You need some sweet FLG organ harvesting propaganda and ever changing atrocity porn for salaciousness.

Even in the 19th century, stories of the West were fodder for most of the "civilized" cities throughout America, more for their salaciousness than anything else.

I'd like to dial-up the salaciousness and racism and dial-down the terrorism and felonious words.

Indeed, beyond a certain point, defining 'link bait' is more about the intent behind the content and the techniques behind its promotion rather than the quality or salaciousness of the content itself.

I'd noticed myself becoming increasingly apprehensive about reading the news anywhere online due to what I percieve to be an excess of sensationalism, salaciousness, and out right suspect journalism.

Salaciousness definitions


the trait of behaving in an obscene manner

See also: obscenity lewdness bawdiness salacity