Rumpled in a sentence as an adjective

As for geeky, I guess you mean he was skinny, wearing a rumpled shirt and glasses?

And I don't mean like fashion statement rumpled and worn out, more like the "great depression" crumpled and worn out.

The person who really knows what's going on from a tech perspective is probably rumpled and has a neck-beard or thick glasses.

The problem I have always had with these methods is after some time I have a big stack of rumpled papers, too much data really.

" A rumpled delivery man eventually shows up and tells you "Anyway, he said... well... uh... I forgot.

I am not saying devs should wear suit and tie, nothing like that, but even my bosses boss* was wearing what looked like a rumpled sweater with worn out jeans.

These guys may be good but from the photos here most seem to be reading from a prompter screen and they just don't seem to have the look-into-your-eyes "believe me, this is the greatest thing ever" stare that Steve Jobs could do. Also, the black turtleneck may be untouchable, but rumpled blue shirt?

That reflects my background, though: I grew up in an academic household, idolizing rumpled intellectuals like Einstein and Turing.

I wonder, might a violent primate story stir some innate tendency towards violence in humans?Or maybe it's just monday during holiday season and that has people rumpled.

I could tell that she was disappointed to be introduced to this rumpled giant in an off-brand shirt, but when I told her that her job sounded difficult to me she brightened and spoke for 30 straight minutes about sapphires and Jessica Simpson.

Rumpled definitions


in disarray; extremely disorderly; "her clothing was disheveled"; "powder-smeared and frowzled"; "a rumpled unmade bed"; "a bed with tousled sheets"; "his brown hair was tousled, thick, and curly"- Al Spiers

See also: disheveled dishevelled frowzled tousled