Ruling in a sentence as a noun

To be fair to Google, it opposed the European court ruling.

Not so long ago he would have been executed for it, 35 is a soft ruling.

And that is why Oracle is reeling concerning its claimed damages in light of this ruling.

Lower court rulings can have a powerful impact through the sheer force of their reasoning.

At the very least, check into how the appeals process on a ruling like this works; dunno how final it is.

This ruling involved Apple's attempt to block Amazon's use of the term "app store" pending trial in this case.

It would have cost them nothing to comply with the ruling properly in the first place; they are now cutting their nose off to spite their face.

I disagree that the answer is moral and political and that the "ruling class" sat down to decide most people should work ******** jobs.

Ruling in a sentence as an adjective

This was the guy who learned Java because he felt he needed to know how to program to be qualified to make a ruling in Oracle v Google.

Judge Leon's ruling is a good step, but I'm disappointed and ashamed that the first president I cast a ballot towards is stonewalling on such an important issue.

They cherry picked quotes, out of context and attempted to create confusion in any readers, with the intention of misleading them as to the judges present ruling.

The involvement of specialist lawyers with knowledge of civil forfeiture law probably helped the motel owner win the ruling reported in this news story.

My jokes demonstrate what you've been allowing for years but only seem to care about now that it's insulting your own ethos of the "uber hacker scientist ruling the world":You guys love cruelty and insult, I'm proof.

Unfortunately, a definitive federal appeals court ruling held that no such ancillary jurisdiction existed, leaving the matter for Congress to decide.

Yet, while doing just that and limiting his ruling to the particular facts before him, Judge Alsup has provided a definitive and logically compelling approach to how such issues are to be decided where they concern APIs and copyright and such reasoning is, in my view, destined to be widely applied throughout the court system going forward.

Ruling definitions


the reason for a court's judgment (as opposed to the decision itself)

See also: opinion


exercising power or authority

See also: regnant reigning