Roustabout in a sentence as a noun

Apropos of nothing: I had no idea "roustabout" was an actual job title.

I suspect that we have quite a few "roustabouts" getting stuck at the bottom rungs of our labor force, and I'm not talking about illegal immigrants.

I am not making value judgments about blue collar workers, about oil field roustabouts, or about any of the categories of workers you're talking about.

I am specifically talking about the underemployed, which is what I originally thought the word "roustabout" was being used to reference in this case.

I don't have the figures, but some roustabouts get killed OTJ trying to upgrade themselves without actually knowing as much as they think they do, aka I know I'm not an electrician but I'll "help" with that damaged wiring or whatever.

Not Invented Hereism is different from "look, you outsiders fundamentally just don't understand the score, and until you do, i'm going to ignore you".Swanking into the joint, assuming spherical cows, and berating the locals for being lazy roustabouts who just need to see the light is not going to make you friends, because it's demonstrably not useful.

Roustabout definitions


a member of a ship's crew who performs manual labor

See also: deckhand