Roundness in a sentence as a noun

Round UI is going to be tough to do right, except for UI built for roundness.

During that learning period the brain will slowly learn how to see roundness.

I think I prefer the roundness of the 360, than the rectangular Apple design.

A little bit of roundness here and there, subtle transparency, or at least shades of color could help.

They'd need a new name, perhaps something emphasizing their roundness...balls?

I didn't like the shading/3d effect of everything in v2 and the excessive roundness.

While the UI might work on a round display, there is nothing about the UI that would actually use roundness in any useful way.

Judging from the photo, iphone looks too thick compared to Galaxy S3. And the roundness makes it unlike the iPhone, which means the designs now diverge away.

Maybe the standard says circles are defined based on rounded rect with the maximum roundness but you'd like them to be based on a center point and radius.

Descriptions invoking roundness and texture can be easily understood because the individual retains his/her sense of feel.

Sure, I will point out the potential folly along the way, but few care to hear it, and instead wish to invent their very own wheel because their case requires a special kind of roundness.

You might come up with [redness of sky, yellowness of sun, roundness of sun] The question is, can you get to a point where you can't subdivide anymore, are there absolute elements of experience?

The building Steve jobs presented has some of the same design principles found in the recent apple products; roundness, simplicity, clean neutral colors, environmental friendly, etc.

Honestly, what this needs is a blending function, kind of like how they do intense shocks in fluid dynamics, where it would use MS's algo in areas where it detected significant roundness, and then blend into the hq4x algo in areas where there's more angular sections, like in the treasure box.

Roundness definitions


the fullness of a tone of voice; "there is a musky roundness to his wordiness"

See also: rotundity


the quality of being round numbers; "he gave us the results in round numbers, but their roundness didn't affect the point he was making"


the property possessed by a line or surface that is curved and not angular


the bodily property of being well rounded

See also: plumpness embonpoint