Robot in a sentence as a noun

Not a problem -- robots are easy to replace.

First they'll get an automated phone tree, and I'll have to tell the robot what I want.

The robots can provide liquidity for a fraction of the price.

The stories are polemics against the idea that you can shackle robots with simple laws like this.

Oh and the interview question is "how do you find a path for a non-point robot with non-line obstacles".

Or you actually do build a disk drive robot, fill the disk with Glacier data, simply spin it down and store it away.

The only thing that makes this different than a human cheating is the robot is fast enough that you might not notice.

Is the term for "contradiction".So let me ask now, what happens if you get the robot hand to play with another robot hand?

"Yeah, Reader held back the development of the robot car, glasses, floating balloon internet and the brazilian social site...

So the robot is effectively playing rock every time and then changing his play to beat his opponent, which is pretty blatant cheating.

A robot that is cautiously making small movements, buzzing and whirring going about it's business with no one there to hear the sounds or see the movements it's making.

I keep trying to think of practical implications for this technology, but every time I do, I just end up daydreaming about robot circuses.

They don't know how to do it with their computer... or their car, or their vacuuming robot, or their television, or their oven or their relationships or any thing in their life.

The people that do work will be the robot designers, maintainers, politicians, managers, personal service people, and some miscellaneous workers.

Google could have a phone number you call and a robot on the other end that informs you of service disruptions and tells you to turn it off and turn it on again, and they would have better service than most ISPs.

I love the fact that there are people, who when faced with photographs sent from a robot on mars, will crop out all the bits of image with mars in them, so they can get a better look at the knots used to tie all the cables down.

As I lie in bed looking up into the darkness, a boundless expanse of tens of millions of miles of absolutely nothing lies between me, and a small man made robot with the martian wind gusting and whistling gently over it.

So this false dichotomy of "creatives" and mechanistic science robots propped up by people who simply don't want to learn math and are mad that not knowing math and science is less of a badge of honor in society anymore misses the point.

I guess seeing conscious life forms with as much rights as my toaster doesn't thrill me. Especially when they are clearly sexualized as suchWould anyone else have an easier time sharing my creepiness if: - the robot had been a little boy for sex purposes?I found the dynamic unlikely and if we reach a world where we can accidentally give AI consciousness and we still haven't gotten the artificial civil rights movement off the ground... Ooph.

Unless you've made a lot of money and you've been on the cover of Forbes, or you put an autonomous vehicle on Mars while wearing a Mohawk, telling people you're a programmer/mathematician/scientist is more likely to get them to presumptuously assume you're some mechanistic robot than for them to say "wow, interesting stuff".

100K is the point where you have the illusion of financial freedom because you can purchase a BMW, buy a nice home in a bland cul-de-sac with a bunch of nameless white dudes, and it's not until you're in your 40s and you're in danger to losing the job to a robot or a whipper-snapper that you understand that kind of "freedom" is actually enslavement.

Proper Noun Examples for Robot

"In a way, every one of Asimovs robot stories was about how the Three Laws of Robotics cant possibly account for all facets of intelligent behavior.

Robot definitions


a mechanism that can move automatically

See also: automaton golem