Rigging in a sentence as a noun

As the other replies have said, it boils down to bid rigging.

Actually, as a former trader, bid rigging is a big no-no.

I've often dreamed of jury rigging four iPad 3 panels together.

If your competition is the one that you have to give away your 30% to, maybe your competition is rigging the game?

Google's auction didn't work, they marginalized wall st. and the banks ended up rigging the bidding.

I was angry at businesspeople for rigging the game, and I was angry at politicians for helping them.

I guess to make them simpler he got himself back in the office by rigging the vote and then by beating and arresting those who protest, Kasparov included?

I would like for Wikileaks to get the memos on the election rigging in Azerbaijan, I would like for them to get the UN memos between RF and Syria.

This is probably like integrating a car crash into your daily commutebut you can probably integrate into Jenkins for continuous jury-rigging

Nearly everyone I know in Pakistan has voted for PTI, but through a combination of election rigging and a mass of poverty-stricken people being coerced into voting for the wrong guy resulted in the status quo being maintained.

Rigging definitions


gear consisting of ropes etc. supporting a ship's masts and sails

See also: tackle


formation of masts, spars, sails, etc., on a vessel