Rework in a sentence as a verb

As for #2, there may be some ways to rework the installer so this is not an issue.

Second try: a bit slower, mostly right but still needs major rework.

Instead, we are trying to rework our regional site into a niche national site.

If their recent rework of the Playstation Store is any indication, the PS4 is doomed.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't really understand the huge community backlash to the Reader rework.

The brand rework here throws ALL of these things away and replaces them with a stylized "w" glyph that is almost but not quite exactly like the logo used by Wordpress.

There was an incredible amount of pressure from the top to maintain high levels of service, but not a lot of support for taking the time to refactor or rework those systems to address the underlying causes of service disruption.

Rework definitions


use again in altered form; "retread an old plot"

See also: retread