Retrench in a sentence as a verb

The company with the bad driver can then retrench him, saying they need to cut someone.

Those countries' elites are being forced to retrench the ********.

Set the initial position much higher than desired and retrench to actual one on push back.

5 years or so of minimal competition gives Starbucks an edge, time to retrench or pull in a profit.

A ducted network means you might not have to retrench later, but this might not be an issue in a rural setting.

It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world for Flash to retrench, slim down, and focus only on the things for which it's best suited.

It happened where I did some work - the wiley employees said 'fine, but then you also cannot retrench us in the same period.

And when the remaining 20 or 30% of your population is scattered, it's very hard to introduce new businesses or retrench old ones to serve them.

But, although AMD had some short-term success with Opteron, Intel was able to retrench and win out. It continues to have challenges in mobile and other areas but is still more successful than not.

As to what % of the population will watched a loved one die and then retrench psychologically for an extended period of time?

And when consumers find out that debt is not income, and they retrench in their spending, then there is no market for the goods all the saintly business owners are making.

That reason can be a great variety of things, but if they haven't done anything that you can pin on them as 'dismissably wrong', you can retrench their position instead.

It seems the more the stress test shows big flaws in the idea, the more the founders want to retrench down to "you just don't understand how great our idea is and how infallible we are".

But, it's a massive slog to get mainstream consumers to retrench when we aren't looking at something similar to the difference between a Blackberry and an iPhone.

I don't believe that a morality-based movement will win the day, no. After a brief blip, the police will retrench and go back to being untouchable just as they have for many decades.

No one expects Microsoft to retrench from touch, nor does anyone misunderstand what they were trying to do: They wanted to leverage their desktop dominance into some mobile/tablet marketshare.

It's typically deemed as inevitable that Japan's welfare state will retrench unless it accepts immigration or technology rapidly does away with humans.

Retrench definitions


tighten one's belt; use resources carefully


make a reduction, as in one's workforce; "The company had to retrench"