Resurge in a sentence as a verb

Interesting, what caused those markets to resurge in the 90's then?

With cable company caps and other bandwidth false supply shortage that focus might resurge a bit.

C diff also apparently can resurge when on antibiotics.

But it's too early to tell if that's true, since Democrats are mostly still moderate and if the Trump Republican party collapses, the moderate wing of the Republican party might resurge.

In fact, Firefox wasn't even at Pwn2Own 2016 because hackers didn't think it was worth their time[0].Hopefully with Quantum and a resurge in popularity, it'll become a target of white-hat hackers again.

The body naturally goes through ebbs and flows in relative efficiency and autoimmunity, so if he still had some functioning beta cells, a temporary period of reduced autoimmunity could allow those cells to resurge and produce enough insulin to support his body without the addition of exogenous insulin.

Resurge definitions


rise again; "His need for a meal resurged"; "The candidate resurged after leaving politics for several years"