Restorative in a sentence as a noun

If it helps, it has a restorative ending.

It's OK, there should be some relatives around to make a restorative payment of camels or wives.

Lots of thing to consider taking on board in "modern" societies - such as restorative justice.

It's in this phase of sleep that motor skills are consolidated, and it seems to be the 'physically restorative' part of sleep.

However, I don't feel like using weev as the poster-child for the restorative justice agenda.

"Of course restorative justice isn't coextensive with the 1960's idea of rehabilitative justice, so I'm not saying it suffers from the same problems.

Restorative in a sentence as an adjective

Victim-centered approaches, like restorative justice circles for example, could and should be used more where applicable.

The purpose of imprisonment is not only restorative or rehabilitative, but also to keep the offender from doing further harm to society.

Within a restorative justice theory less punishment is appropriate because a small breach of social norms requires less healing, but that only focuses on the singular event.

It sounds like a reasonable concern to me, though I admit I'm not well informed and I welcome additional comments.---One big downside of a "free" currency is that there are no restorative forces to keep its value constant.

I don't think there will be much in the form of compensation/restorative damages, but there is a likelihood that they can be held for punitive damages if there is some breach of privacy as a result of the potential breach of contract.

We here report that sleep has a critical function in ensuring metabolic homeostasis ... the restorative function of sleep may be a consequence of the enhanced removal of potentially neurotoxic waste products that accumulate in the awake central nervous system.

Restorative definitions


a medicine that strengthens and invigorates

See also: tonic


a device for treating injury or disease

See also: corrective


tending to impart new life and vigor to; "the renewing warmth of the sunshine"

See also: renewing reviving revitalizing revitalising


promoting recuperation; "recuperative powers"; "strongly recuperative remedies"; "restorative effects of exercise"

See also: recuperative