Restaurant in a sentence as a noun

I can be at a simple restaurant, and the menu will list "pan fried chicken.

I bought all the Epson TM printers for my friend from a bankrupt Chinese restaurant.

As an independent restaurant owner, I can't say I didn't expect to see this one day.

That should be,"Google's self driving cars can navigate drive through restaurant drive-throughs.

The restaurant loses money on every single "daily deal" that is redeemed.

The Daily Deal I got offered today was for a restaurant 30 miles away: how does that make sense either for the customer or merchant?

If you want to win at the "italian restaurant" search game, you have to bid the highest for the ad, which means you must have the highest margin.

This is a huge problem for restaurants in particular because the guest is not willing to pay full price for the product even if they liked it.

People like to think that the reason their restaurant is doing poorly is some external problem they have no control over, rather than because they.

Imagine if you did some real bad but legal thing and then no one would talk to you, not even your family, or even serve you in a restaurant.

In the US, when I go to a restaurant, I am being 'served', but after the waiter gets off work he's a full and equal neighbor of mine under both law and custom.

They felt entitled to prevent the taking of pictures in the restaurant and felt they were being played with false official documentation.

There's a fair share of drama and spectacle in every episode but much of what he does is apply the same fundamental changes to every restaurant.

"When the second restaurant opened, promoting its inclusionary nature and affordable prices, I'd eat there every day for a week, because **** those first guys.

Is it outrageous to think that eventually this "gas" will be free because outlets will compete to have Tesla and other electric customers stuck at their restaurant, bar, store for a half hour?

This would be equivalent to someone saying that, because they enjoyed their meal at the restaurant, the restaurant should charge a mandatory 25% tip to all current patrons of the restaurant.

To make another analogy a well done dish at a nice restaurant isn't usually innovative, it just takes the best of breed components and presents them well in a good atmosphere with good service.

Undocumented labor is a more likely possibility, but again, no restaurant or in fact no retail place in Paris will let you take pictures inside their premises without a very strong confrontation.

No, it would be like if a restaurant passed out flyers advertising its great food, decor, and excellent ties, with a footnote at the bottom saying "PS: only beautiful, successful, wealthy people are allowed in, and that doesn't include you.

" To me this sounds like the typical cook at Olive Garden who cannot possibly believe that any chef in a restaurant could ever do something other than opening a bag from the freezer and dumping the contents into the deep fryer.

Restaurant definitions


a building where people go to eat

See also: eatery