Resect in a sentence as a verb

Nobody grows up learning how to resect tumors or construct an appellate brief in their own home.

You insult a mouse with a sample of what you'd like to detect, and then resect the spleen, which contains b-cells, cells that produce the antibody.

Factors like whether the patient has freckles or red hair often drive doctors to resect anything out of an abundance of caution.

You use electrodes to interfere with each piece they are are going to resect, and see if it interferes with the task they are having the patient perform.

"Library" isn't a magical superpower with resect to copyright.

This doesn’t change anything, I’m sure you know that the smaller the lesion the harder it is to determine what it is, and they are impossible to biopsy or resect.

They're applying stimulation at different voltages, amperage and frequencies to very specifically triangulated ares to be sure there aren't any cognitive, motor neural or autonomous functions in the parts they want to resect.

Resect definitions


surgically remove a part of a structure or an organ

See also: eviscerate