Repulsive in a sentence as an adjective

This whole idea of a race-based fund for high-tech is repulsive to me.

Whatever one may think of Mr. Zuckerberg, this is utterly repulsive and will serve as a drag on Mr. Ceglia's case throughout.

It is not what they did that we should find repulsive, because their methods are by and large the same we employ today when faced with similar value judgements.

" This is simply a repulsive individual and there's nothing subtle about it. I don't feel I'm at all off base by judging Lehman and Rap Genius negatively by their association with Moghadam.

He went to bat for his users, sacrificed his livelihood and his resources to defend the principles he, and many of us, believe in. Yes, the government has repulsive legal tools like the Stored Communications Act on their side.

Gruber's Law: the highest upvoted comment for any Daring Fireball link or Markdown discussion on HN will tend to be a repulsive ad hominem whinge.

> bad people many times use e-currency for repulsive things like child slaveryDo people not use fiat currency, as well, for repulsive things like child slavery?

[1][2]As a former Zynga employee that came in through acquisition, I find it repulsive that people assume we are all responsible for the poor decisions of a few at the top.

It is the predatory behavior that basically amounts typo-squatting a domain that I find most repulsive.

But I have had plenty of opportunity to observe that this suggestion is repulsive to many professional programmers: they object to it violently!

Yes, large corporations do get away with this sort of thing all too often but it remains morally repulsive and it is inordinately refreshing when the day of comeuppance does arrive as it did here.

A few people are beautiful, most are average, many can be unattractive, and some are apparently repulsive enough to instill feelings of negativity in others.

This is repulsive to the notion of liberty as protected by the American "4th Amendment" right of freedom from governmental inspection without an adjudicated warrant.

I found them to be singularly repulsive, all having the same rude, avaricious, gluttonous personality, and all behaving in the most horrible manner possible.

We rarely talk about this sort of natural, basic self-centredness, because it's so socially repulsive.... Other people's thoughts and feelings have to be communicated to you somehow, but your own are so immediate, urgent, real....The remedy he proposed:[Instead:] if you're aware enough to give yourself a choice, you can choose to look differently at this fat, dead-eyed, over-made-up lady who just screamed at her little child in the checkout line - maybe she's not usually like this; maybe she's been up three straight nights holding the hand of her husband who's dying of bone cancer, or maybe this very lady is the low-wage clerk at the Motor Vehicles Dept who just yesterday helped your spouse resolve a nightmarish red-tape problem through some small act of bureaucratic kindness.

Repulsive definitions


offensive to the mind; "an abhorrent deed"; "the obscene massacre at Wounded Knee"; "morally repugnant customs"; "repulsive behavior"; "the most repulsive character in recent novels"

See also: abhorrent detestable obscene repugnant


possessing the ability to repel; "a repulsive force"


so extremely ugly as to be terrifying; "a hideous scar"; "a repulsive mask"

See also: hideous