Representational in a sentence as an adjective

Do you mind providing a representational bit of code to illustrate?

The downscaling in the info graphic is representational of how a developers chrome is handled.

There could be representational glyphs for these control characters, too. I'm not sure about the history of these symbols, but I imagine they were initially on keyboards.

I dunno... there's plenty of mosaic and stained glass art that would seem to point to a world in which hi-fidelity representational art isn't the total end of art.

In a properly representational system, they'd be just as aggressive, ignorant, and self-defeating as they are right now.

The representational form of democracy is both no longer needed and horribly broken.

"You've just described the current crisis of representational democracy.

Representational definitions


(used especially of art) depicting objects, figures,or scenes as seen; "representational art"; "representational images"