Report in a sentence as a noun

If the CRA comes back to you with a "We validated the debt with the reporter.

I later saw in the paper that they'd hired someone else, who was reporting to the CFO.

" and then you file that with the CRA alleging "This debt on my credit report is invalid.

The first time it happens you'll be really upset and threaten to sue, and file a police report.

If that clock expires, the CRAs must remove that tradeline from your report and never reinstate it.

The demand was the same: hand the Snowden material back or destroy it. I explained that we could not research and report on this subject if we complied with this request.

This starts a 30 day clock, during which time they have to get to the reporter and receive evidence from the reporter that you actually own the debt.

But the teacher, based on the report here, is just asking his students to think about their lessons and what those lessons mean, not trying to undermine the survey process.

There was similar press coverage regarding the DEA and iCloud encryption that was misreported in a similar way [3].

Report in a sentence as a verb

It is your responsibility to obtain details from reporters, after the initial report, to avoid situations like this.

Especially if it talks about actual measured metrics of productivity - rather that self-reported 'I felt just as productive at home' ones.

The end result might look a little prettier but that cool Infragistics graph is locked inside the program and can't be shared like the old Excel report because no one hooked up the "export feature".

According to the PA, someone named Janice needs to report to the ticket desk.- Mike has apparently set his cell phone ringer volume to "over 9000" and has placed it next to his mic.- "Can you see my screen?

But assuming the report is accurate, this is unacceptable behavior and I'd like to see more employees who take a risk on startups getting what they deserve and enforcing their rights.

Note to security response teams everywhere: Not all vulnerability reporters speak perfect English, nor are they all experienced in writing up details on how to exploit issues.

Odds are, you'll get nothing back from the reporter in that timeframe, because most debt collection agencies are poorly organized and can't find the original documentation for the debt in their files quickly enough.

Given that this will likely trigger an audit and potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars of fines for you, how about we just agree to give my client what he has coming to him, and you report an inadvertent paperwork screwup to the tax authority when you pay your fair share?

My dropbox still has 30 PDFs for letters I sent to the 3 CRAs, several banks, and a few debt collection companies disputing the information on my report and taking polite professional notice that there was an easy way out of this predicament for them but that if they weren't willing to play ball on that I was well aware of the mechanics of the hard way.

Quote Examples using Report

Optimizing priority queues... Recalculating scheduler lookup tables... Terminating unused system processes... Recovering memory leaks... Flushing network buffers... Then it'd randomly pick a number X and report to the user "System reports X% faster.


Proper Noun Examples for Report

Reporting one of those websites make the safe-browsing re-scan the website, and find absolutely no issue with it and white-label it, which is even worse...I contacted the Safe-Browsing initiative to report the issue and they told me "that their wasn't any issue on those websites...".

Report definitions


a written document describing the findings of some individual or group; "this accords with the recent study by Hill and Dale"

See also: study


the act of informing by verbal report; "he heard reports that they were causing trouble"; "by all accounts they were a happy couple"

See also: account


a short account of the news; "the report of his speech"; "the story was on the 11 o'clock news"; "the account of his speech that was given on the evening news made the governor furious"

See also: story account


a sharp explosive sound (especially the sound of a gun firing); "they heard a violent report followed by silence"


a written evaluation of a student's scholarship and deportment; "his father signed his report card"


an essay (especially one written as an assignment); "he got an A on his composition"

See also: composition paper theme


the general estimation that the public has for a person; "he acquired a reputation as an actor before he started writing"; "he was a person of bad report"

See also: reputation


to give an account or representation of in words; "Discreet Italian police described it in a manner typically continental"

See also: describe account


announce as the result of an investigation or experience or finding; "Dozens of incidents of wife beatings are reported daily in this city"; "The team reported significant advances in their research"


announce one's presence; "I report to work every day at 9 o'clock"


make known to the authorities; "One student reported the other to the principal"


be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism; "Snow reported on China in the 1950's"; "The cub reporter covered New York City"

See also: cover


complain about; make a charge against; "I reported her to the supervisor"