Repetitive in a sentence as an adjective

"A large factor of it would actually be that our brains don't store repetitive events very well.

People's live shouldn't be wasted doing repetitive tasks year after year, just to afford food and shelter.

All those pulsing repetitive beats you've heard in your pop music for the last 30 years, that stuff that's made people untold billions of dollars?

This could be an awesome game indeed, and so far I have not seen anything that hints to it being boring or repetitive--just unfinished.

When humans perform repetitive tasks, we don't assign state variables, and we generally don't keep counters.

Among all the non-programmers I've talked to about work, I've never found one who doesn't have to deal with some sort of constant, repetitive negative feedback.

He may actually have a good point about keeping commitments but the whole thing is written so badly, in such a meandering and repetitive way that it is a joke.

Questions like "can you walk me through what you do everyday" or "are there any repetitive tasks that you do day-to-day" will lead you down a much more interesting path.

How many office workers will be able to find hidden information in their data or automate the repetitive tasks they do and move on to better things?

The industrial era gave everyone a mediocre income through repetitive work.

We have taught them to always use big words like "plethora" on their essay answers, and to always fill up the whole essay page, no matter what repetitive gibberish is requires.

So... it's perfectly ok to publish tons of linkbaits about 'how steve jobs changed my life' even if they are vague and repetitive boring opinions, but nobody can state his negative views on this occasion.

Some folks have developed medical conditions associated with working long hours in a repetitive environment, or working with components that internally were quite toxic and sometimes externally, and spent their accumulated savings on ever increasing health care.

Repetitive definitions


repetitive and persistent; "the bluejay's insistent cry"

See also: insistent


characterized by repetition; "repetitive movement"

See also: repetitious