Repercussion in a sentence as a noun

It is a safe place for an employee to voice his/her grievances and concerns without repercussion.

An interesting repercussion of such a system is the potential for unrestrained creative endeavour.

The possible subtext is that he is shutting it down in fear of bad repercussion - like being exposed for gaming the app store rankings - or to simply avoid such accusations.

First the GFC architects getting away with tearing down the financial system, and now the NSA carelessly violating Congress without repercussion.

We vote for some people every 4 years and then they can basically do whatever they want, with the only repercussion being that their actions might be revealed to the press, and in some cases some scandals will be created, though rarely.

We have people abusing the lack of any policies, the lack of will of organizers to do anything, to continue coming to events without repercussion for repeated behavior that is clearly unacceptable.

"Get on the ******* ground", "Don't you ******* move" ... these aren't the commands of an officer sworn to protect the citizens, these are the commands of a power-driven, egomaniacal, paramilitary police force who continue to abuse their power and assault private citizens without due cause and without repercussion.

Repercussion definitions


a remote or indirect consequence of some action; "his declaration had unforeseen repercussions"; "reverberations of the market crash were felt years later"

See also: reverberation


a movement back from an impact

See also: recoil rebound backlash