Rennet in a sentence as a noun

You warm the milk, add rennet, let it curdle, strain it off.

It just doesn't set when you add the rennetUse a mixture of skim milk and cream.

When you make cheese you use an enzyme, rennet, to separate curds from whey in fresh milk.

Skyr is a cheese made with rennet in addition to yogurt cultures.

Traditional skyr is made with rennet while plain yogurt is not.

The rennet helps breakdown casein and form a thicker yogurt.

Good quality hard and semi-hard cheese made with rennet should melt and not separate.

If you eat cheese with rennet regularly then a very low amount of calves die due to that.

It makes no impact as a vegetarian to therefore not eat cheese made with rennet.

There is no rennet, stabilizers, sugar substitutes etc., just simple whole milk yogurt.

There is no rennet, and certainly no stabilizers, sugar substitutes etc.. just very good yogurt.

The one I found I only did find because it markets itself explicitly as a Parmesan alternative with microbial rennet.

Rennet definitions


a substance that curdles milk in making cheese and junket