Remorseful in a sentence as an adjective

Regardless, even if he isn't remorseful, that doesn't make him dumb.

Or he felt a bit remorseful about the whole thing and figured that at least he could help the guy not getting caught in the same net again.

There is no ill-considered thought so swift that it cannot be hunted down with a remorseful apology.

I don't see anyone saying you should feel remorseful but if China want to move towards other currencies then that is their right.

“He does not remember voting two ballots, but acknowledges that he did and is extremely remorseful.”

Such a CEO will do nothing, add no value, and ultimately steal all the money of the company, and not feel the least bit guilty or remorseful.

In hindsight I'm thankful I never used Snapchat as I am sure there are many users that are remorseful of how much data Facebook now has in their reach.

If you're unlikely to make a court date, being remorseful and apologetic has a decent chance of getting you a reduction from the officer.

It seems from the comments from the individuals involved in the incident that the "perpetrators" of said offensive have been genuinely apologetic and remorseful.

Gilgamesh described a relatively peaceful society without much focus on lineage and vengeance where the characters were at times remorseful for being violent toward monsters they met in the forest for example.

The final line in the review is a good summary of the criticisms: "But as far as the film is concerned, your role in resolving this dilemma is to sit patiently on the couch and stare at the screen until a remorseful tech insider tells you what to do.

Remorseful definitions


feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses

See also: contrite rueful ruthful