Regimen in a sentence as a noun

You need to add a workout regimen in then, at leat 90mins of good working out.

Antibiotics were only used on sick cows and not as a daily regimen.

It's true, a perfect training and exercise regimen will include increasing loads.

Under a reciprocal trade regimen, the currency of a country that exports more than it imports should rise.

Or, just throwing this out there as an option, you could solve any problem for a physician's practice -- like, say, patients not complying with their treatment regimen by failing to make scheduled check ups.

A preventative therapeutic regimen for treating obesity at a genetic level is discovered5.

London drivers use specially designed vehicles the drivers go through an incredibly long and challenging training regimen, and they'r held to very high standards of behavior.

But the bailout-and-austerity regimen seems to be about protecting financial institutions at common people's expense.

Their conclusion was the same as mine: any fitness regimen that makes it difficult to function in your day to day activities for days on end due to extreme soreness is not something that should ever be viewed as fitness.

Regimen definitions


(medicine) a systematic plan for therapy (often including diet)

See also: regime