Refutal in a sentence as a noun

Wrong, I dont think so. That whole text is more than 15kb of narrative, and merits a detailed refutal, not a blunt dismissal.

Each party has weeks to prepare refutal to the other, and no one can communicate with the judge without the other party present.

This use case of forcing rapid response without time for validation or refutal is quite a bit scarier and one I personally hadn't considered before.

At the very minimum you can prove the “four denials” or “refutal” as being a lie. While it might seem minor to a lay person, a judge, let alone a Supreme Court justice should understand there’s a stark legal difference between “denying/refuting something happened” vs “I don’t recall that happening”.

"Also maybe reconsider ending your refutal of criticism towards decentralized architecture by hinting that users should look towards upcoming P2P architecture.

Is this the way debunking works in deep learning circles?Anyway, I can refute the refutal using the same standard: lots of things about the real world can be learned from just reading text, and there is no reason given why a DL model couldn't too.

I don't have time for a point by point refutal right now, and there are some valid points raised in this document, but in sum this really is just shameful propaganda which overstates the problems with nuclear and doesn't seem to acknowledge modern technological developments.

But if you can point to one specific idea, prediction, refutal of mainstream physics or whatever you like within his work, written in a way that can be understood by an interested layman, not longer than say 25 pages or so, then I will try to explain you why he is wrong in that instance.

If the layout is clear, documentation is accurate and the website loads fast, works across various screens, it is accessible, what more do you want?I don't think you've substantiated the refutal of source hut besides "It looks like a side project that sometimes is proud to not care about design".

Refutal definitions


the act of determining that something is false

See also: falsification falsifying disproof refutation