Reflectance in a sentence as a noun

There is also reflectance issues based on the surfaces that are reflecting the light.

Reducing reflectance with a coating works, but as the article points out, costs money and is less durable.

For those apps, it would be insane having to maintain multiple codebases just to, say, draw a box with a texture and Lambert reflectance.

You'd also get a better feel for the emittance/reflectance curves of various dyes, plants, and lighting technologies.

Factors like shape, surface normals, illumination, reflectance, etc.

Problem is that it almost universally requires you to photograph a standard light source or a standard reflectance target under a standard illuminator.

They knew its apparent magnitude and orbital distance, and thus its absolute magnitude, but figuring out a body's size from that also requires you to know its albedo - the reflectance of its surface.

The chlorophyll in green vegetation reflects **** loads of near infra-red radiation but hardly any red so surfaces with a high infra-red to red reflectance ratio are likely to contain green vegetation.

Maybe "lightness" or "whiteness" would be more accurate because it's a matter of reflectance and not luminance, but brightness is already commonly misused in that context, so I don't think this is particularly egregious.

Reflectance definitions


the fraction of radiant energy that is reflected from a surface

See also: reflectivity