Refill in a sentence as a noun

The need for a battery swap or a stop for super charging should be much less frequent than the need to refill gas.

I remember sending ants to unsuspecting neighbors using the refill from that came with my ant farm.

It's more like: "Imagine if Shell sold you a car at 1/3 of retail and being legally not allowed to refill it at any gas station you choose.

Every time I need to refill the bottle or... empty myself, I seize the opportunity to rest for 5 minutes.

Put me in a garden with a enjoyable drink and I'll happily contemplate whatever comes to mind until I want to get a refill.

Refill in a sentence as a verb

We have photo printing, the aforementioned Rx refill and a tie-in with our rewards program and fitness apps/wearables.

You see, it depends on the assumption that the magically refilling glass will go on refilling forever, so the Irishman has all the stout he can ever drink.

It's hilarious to me that people who think nothing of downing a 48 oz Dr Pepper, then getting a refill, after a dinner featuring potatoes, pasta, and bread will thumb their nose at having a 12 oz glass of whole milk.

Then you won't often be interrupted by things that break your focus: The staff might occasionally ask to refill your coffee, and you'll get interrupted if the building catches fire, but otherwise you can work on your own thing.

Refill definitions


a prescription drug that is provided again; "he got a refill of his prescription"; "the prescription specified only one refill"


a commercial product that refills a container with its appropriate contents; "he got a refill for his ball-point pen"; "he got a refill for his notebook"


fill something that had previously been emptied; "refill my glass, please"

See also: replenish