Reducing in a sentence as a noun

While not reducing absolute operating costs, more launches per year gives a lower cost per launch.

What he's trying to say is that reducing the budget deficit is more a question of political will than economics.

They operate under a pretense of "reducing harm" yet are actively trying to create more crime to validate their existence.

The investment Apple made in reducing the footprint of the OS is basically not being taken into account in pricing.

Ostracizing complicit people is the key to reducing bad behavior.

"By reducing 4th amendment rights, the US is not gaining security, it is showing weakness...and that can be dangerous to the long term health of a country.

I mean, who ever managed to understand even the tiniest bit of python without mentally reducing it to the electrical patterns in the circuits of the CPU?

Some workers on other sites say employers routinely confiscate passports and refuse to issue ID cards, in effect reducing them to the status of illegal aliens.

A more compelling solution is to create incentive structures that encourage "bad executives" to be good ones, such as incentives which outweigh the short-term gains gotten by reducing, say, IT spending.

Population in the developing world is growing, but metrics for quality of life are improving --- we're eradicating disease, reducing malnutrition, enrolling students, and starting to enable bottom-up markets.

Reducing definitions


any process in which electrons are added to an atom or ion (as by removing oxygen or adding hydrogen); always occurs accompanied by oxidation of the reducing agent

See also: reduction


loss of excess weight (as by dieting); becoming slimmer; "a doctor supervised her reducing"