Redoubt in a sentence as a noun

At my most pessimistic, I wonder if I should investigate some sort redoubt to help them prepare.

Right - I think this stat is the killer one right now: - 20 % of private cars are equipped with DAB radio Surely the car the last redoubt of radio.

It doesn't sound quite so paranoid anymore to arm oneself to the teeth and retreat to a wilderness redoubt in Montana.

Or is there yet a tiny redoubt of econoliteracy somewhere in the newspaper?

"In many ways, Reddit is a more accessible, less vulgar version of 4Chan, the meme-spewing online redoubt of the Webs most vicious trolls.

Land of the free, home of the brave, right up until it involves medicine, and then it's the last redoubt of five year plans, price setting, and socialist planning, which works just as well as it did under Khrushchev.

Pakistani military and political doctrine would use Afghanistan as a redoubt.

Redoubt definitions


(military) a temporary or supplementary fortification; typically square or polygonal without flanking defenses


an entrenched stronghold or refuge