Redevelopment in a sentence as a noun

Same for the bike lanes, parks, and redevelopment of public land.

The city planners did allow some unchecked redevelopment in the early 70s and 80s.

But for anyone that's been around for more than few years, you remember what the corner of 10th & Market was like before it went thru it's Twitter and redevelopment phase?

Yep, we poured something like $200k into development, redevelopment, and infrastructure all told.

But mid-flamewar with all manner of business / marketing money flying everywhere on all sides is not the ideal blue sky redevelopment time.

And in any event, industrial sites don't offer the opportunity for redevelopment of the parking lot with smaller boxes as a means of diversifying the underlying asset.

Rent control doesn't reduce the quantity of housing when redevelopment, especially denser redevelopment, is essentially illegal due to zoning laws and a lack of by-right development.

Redevelopment definitions


the act of improving by renewing and restoring; "they are pursuing a general program of renovation to the entire property"; "a major overhal of the healthcare system was proposed"

See also: renovation overhaul