Recommend in a sentence as a verb

****, most review sites won't even recommend it as a TV, let alone a monitor.

Additionally, I would recommend that authors of a parent post should be able to see all child posts regardless of their karma.

I highly recommend watching all the videosunfortunately, they carved it into pieces and you have to scroll down the page to get at them.

Of course it's coming because IE, Chrome and Safari are going to be supporting it fully with 80% marketshare and people will blame Firefox if Netflix doesn't work in it and recommend you switch to Chrome to see movies!

Many people find this topic interesting, because most of us have applied for a job at least once, and many of us have been in a position to recommend someone else for a job, or to hire someone for a job.

Recommend definitions


push for something; "The travel agent recommended strongly that we not travel on Thanksgiving Day"

See also: urge advocate


express a good opinion of

See also: commend


make attractive or acceptable; "Honesty recommends any person"