Recognizance in a sentence as a noun

>> Putting people out on their own recognizance works in most cases. >Has this been studied?

> Putting people out on their own recognizance works in most cases. Has this been studied?

Many people who are left to on their on recognizance never show up to their court dates.

But I think two semesters' worth of projects in C++,C#,VB and Java count as at least more than 'recognizance.' At least for the cost of my student loans, I hope so.

The best part is after the police got done playing James Bond the couple was released under their own recognizance.

Science has not yet decided whether it will on its own recognizance retract LaCour's paper.

Putting people out on their own recognizance works in most cases. The rare exception of a serious flight risk simply doesn’t get bail anyway.

> Many people who are left to on their on recognizance never show up to their court dates. Many implies a majority.

Releasing defendants without bail is called release on "own recognizance". It depends on how severe the crime and how likely they think you are to run.

That sounds a bit like the recognizance on HN a while ago that everything has a political dimension. What made you think this might be different?

That said, the link they provide states the guy was released "on own recognizance" which basically means he promised to turn up in court at a future date, albeit with no bail money paid. So it doesn't say charges were dropped.

: "Yet when I surrendered to arrest in Boston, having given out my last copies of the papers the night before, I was released on personal recognizance bond the same day. Later, when my charges were increased from the original three counts to 12, carrying a possible 115-year sentence, my bond was increased to $50,000.

Luckily, he was able to get out on OR only because about a dozen of us called the jail as soon as we heard, and spoke to the recognizance volunteer that happened to be on duty and he only spent the night on jail. It took over three months for the DA's office to actually test the substance and drop the charges.

The only institutions in life that I know of where you are forced to attend and prohibited from leaving on your own recognizance are school, prison, and a mental health facility to which one is involuntarily committed. Perhaps nursing homes are another.

This is not necessarily at odds with people who build their own computers, but a recognizance that simplicity has its own advantages for a hacker who wants to operate on a different level.

How to solve this is more complicated than the other parts, IMO. Secondly, the arbitration through a third party I could see as being corruptible, if that third party is known and has no legal ramification/justification for just acting on their own good recognizance. It's like there needs to be a black market escrow that can't be bribed and won't steal the money.

But they are somewhat answerable to some authority other than their own recognizance. If someone can figure out how to spot the difference between an armed, responsible individual and an armed, irresponsible nutjob, that person will make a fortune.

My guess is it is for anything serious enough to seek medical attention, be it a hospital, ambulance or police and release under own recognizance, and maybe accidents at ski areas during summer with patrol. It definitely includes many non-crash emergency room visits.

"Part 3 amends the Criminal Code to, with respect to recognizances to keep the peace relating to a terrorist activity or a terrorism offence, extend their duration, provide for new thresholds, authorize a judge to impose sureties and require a judge to consider whether it is desirable to include in a recognizance conditions regarding passports and specified geographic areas&;&." Etc.

Especially as you're basically using an example of a case whereby having the state not act in the public's interest by addressing the high crime problem, it leads to poor outcomes for the populace; actually justifying the prohibition in the interests of the public's privacy in general over the freedom of private individuals to create a facial recognition based privacy free zone through their own volition and recognizance by leaving contractual acceptance of facial recognition based programs and data sharing open in much the same way as functioning and effective law enforcement prograns are justifiable in maintaining public safety.

Recognizance definitions


(law) a security entered into before a court with a condition to perform some act required by law; on failure to perform that act a sum is forfeited

See also: recognisance