Reciprocate in a sentence as a verb

I'm curious to know if you would reciprocate in kind?

Also, they will not reciprocate - why should they waste time helping their *****, when the ***** is supposed to help them?

Sometimes it can be really awkward when I reciprocate their "It's so good to see you, and how are you doing?

After being a guest, she decided she should reciprocate and opened her couch up to others.

She seemed genuinely invested in each of us, and it's hard not to reciprocate and respect her for that.

Or people who just reciprocate circle-adds but don't engage whatsoever?

And then don't be pushy; if you make a couple of advances and they don't reciprocate, back off. Be polite and friendly, say hi in the elevators, and make small talk if they seem to like small talk.

I can reciprocate that by reserving the option to take long lunches and spontaneous time off when I am not needed.

I don't follow just to reciprocate and am very ruthless unfollow people who are noisemakers.

The same way someone may try to diminsh the distance by disclosing facts that are not told to a stranger, expecting me to reciprocate.

How about Facebook?Thing is, as Larry said, they support open messaging but why should they do so with companies that don't reciprocate?

I think his point was that he acted in good faith -- with the expectation that Google would reciprocate -- and was essentially let down without courtesy.

You'll still have a chance to meet and mingle with X other people, you won't have to be as nervous, and the people you spotlight will reciprocate nice things back to you over time.

On the behalf of everyone in Canada, the UK, and Australia, it's very common for people to reciprocate this sort of courtesy and genuinely mean it.

Instead of being able to see where others may be seating, it should show all people on board and allow you to express interest, which then gives the other person the ability to reciprocate.

But there is also annoyance that other countries don't reciprocate, so a little bit of a sentiment of, "well if the bastards are going to charge me for getting mugged in NYC, let's charge them when they come here".

I read it as younger, more foolish people believe if they're the best quisling they can be, if they can just throw away their life for the cause better than the next guy is throwing away his life, then the cause will obviously reciprocate and take care of him later, when he needs it.

Reciprocate definitions


act, feel, or give mutually or in return; "We always invite the neighbors and they never reciprocate!"


alternate the direction of motion of; "the engine reciprocates the propeller"