Reception in a sentence as a noun

The one I built in 8th grade took out radio & TV reception for a block around.

Then just take another taxi ride to a hotel from google maps, reception spoke English.

I goto the reception, and tell them I was there to interview, tell them the name of the HR exec who I was in touch with.

As we danced at our wedding reception, Elon told me, "I am the alpha in this relationship.

They do not go towards laying cables into people's home for cable tv reception and do not fund cell phone towers.

So your reception varies quite dramatically depending on your port of entry.

It shows why it's still possible to make a lot of money in this business, and that startups shouldn't be put off by a weak reception from investors.

I'll second this...If he was in death valley, or the arctic with no cell reception, and it was 61 miles to the next station and the car said 32 no sane person would ever begin that journey.

In the current state, it thrives partially because the reception provides the safety-checks and balances needed to prevent and offset these black swan events.

Dr. Bose had been awarded a plaque at the national ASA conference in the summer of 2011, but he wasn't well enough to travel to accept the reward, so we volunteered to host a reception in Cambridge to give him the award and recognize other prominent acousticians.

I've helped to organize large conferences in the past, and right now I'm organizing a reception to honor some prominent Boston-area acousticians.

One end of the spectrum is high-touch sales, which is Oracle's "We send you a sales guy, a supporting engineer, a bunch of Powerpoints, and enough steak and wine to feed a European wedding reception, and afterwards you pay us several million dollars" model.

Reception definitions


the manner in which something is greeted; "she did not expect the cold reception she received from her superiors"

See also: response


a formal party of people; as after a wedding


quality or fidelity of a received broadcast


the act of receiving

See also: receipt


(American football) the act of catching a pass in football; "the tight end made a great reception on the 20 yard line"