Reboot in a sentence as a verb

If you have to reboot your router frequently, you should replace it.

Take for example point 8, "you have to reboot to update systemd.

You'd spend a few hours downloading it, compiling, and reboot.

If we really need some package installed, we do it from that script and then request a reboot.

The purpose of bankruptcy is a reboot and if anyone needs a reboot it's Detroit.

For many consumer routers, this will occur when the router is rebooted.

I was able to get about 15k qps/core using this configuration and it was rock stable, running for weeks without need of a reboot.

I tolerate them because they enable me to continue to work on my startup, or I guess I should say, reboot of the family business.

As a monk translated the wishes of the holy monkeys, I discovered that I was required to rewrite the OS of their ancient computer, which had failed to reboot, back in 1839.

Minor disagreement about the following: "Everyone must worry about whether their files need to survive a reboot"I believe there was never such expectation of /tmp.

It’s not supposed to be co-opted by companies with profit motives and private investors of their own … which, despite Burton’s charisma, is exactly what the Rainbow reboot is.

Reboot definitions


cause to load (an operating system) and start the initial processes; "boot your computer"

See also: boot