Reassure in a sentence as a verb

Because it wants to scare you, not reassure you.

I wanted to reassure everyone that this is a migration, not "killing" off your slices.

Your lawyers and accountants can reassure you that these sort of symbolic commitments hold up in court.

* Google are evidently uneasy about the profile name that I signed up with, and have been repeatedly nudging me to change it. I don't know how to reassure them about my choice.

In general, external authentication like that tends to reassure me.

As a lawyer, you often need to persuade, or to reassure, or to cajole, or to intimidate, or to do whatever the occasion calls for in serving the legitimate needs of clients.

Either that or something to reassure me that this isn't somebody co-opting positive terms like "art" and "open source" to add an air of legitimacy to what looks a lot like a very seedy act of passive mass blackmail.

Using the phrase "default-on" instead of "active-choice +"The prime minister believes that there is much more that we can all do to improve how we communicate the current position on parental internet controls and that there is a need for a simplified message to reassure parents and the public more generally.

Reminds me of a quote from The Prince:"Hence we may learn the lesson that on seizing a state, the usurper should make haste to inflict what injuries he must, at a stroke, that he may not have to renew them daily, but be enabled by their discontinuance to reassure mens minds, and afterwards win them over by benefits.

Reassure definitions


cause to feel sure; give reassurance to; "The airline tried to reassure the customers that the planes were safe"

See also: assure


give or restore confidence in; cause to feel sure or certain; "I reassured him that we were safe"