Razing in a sentence as a noun

It just never takes off --like razing JapanTown and renovating it.

He didn't leave the killing of Egyptian children to humans, nor the razing of Sodom.

Brick peddlers trolled the city at night, razing abandoned buildings themselves.

It's like razing people for using the word 'like' instead of 'for example', even though they are functionally identical.

Does the game make them think about their emotions and what is going on in the head of other players when they are razing other players creations and how that affects gameplay?

Why is it that razing a bridge is violent but sitting down in the revolving door of a business establishment preventing customers from entering not?

Post-regulation of razing somebody else's home or of dumping toxic sludge on commons is indefensible.

The most famous examples that come to mind immediately would be the razing of the temples of Pratihaspura, allegedly to smoke out a rival hiding in the ruins.

The utopian dreams tend to give way to an ugly reality [4,5].The $1 billion budget for land and rights of way also seems wildly optimistic for razing a path through multiple heavily populated metropolitan areas with astronomical real estate prices.

Haussmann's razing and rebuilding of the entire city had purely modern ambitions: clean up the sewers that most of the badly built streets had become, reduce fire risk, accomodate higher population density, encourage trade via better transport infrastructure, and so on.

Razing definitions


the event of a structure being completely demolished and leveled

See also: wrecking


complete destruction of a building

See also: leveling demolishing