Raffle in a sentence as a noun

That's why there's a raffle for games which are not played at either teams' home.

I had/have an Ultimate Vista that I won at a local user group raffle.

My friend won one in a raffle, and we scoured the box looking at whether it was the new "iPad 2" or not.

They are essentially a raffle and a ripe for governmemnt control.

That's not an auction, that is a lottery, a raffle basically.

Raffle in a sentence as a verb

$12 A nerdy underappreciated kid wins a raffle and receives his own Space Shuttle for a week.

It would be nice if all that compute power was being used for some productive use, and you just did a consensus raffle rather than arbitrary hashing to pass out new coins.

We were flooded with emails from events & meetups wanting us to donate baskets for raffle prizes, which we could at least write-off on our taxes & get some publicity for.

First off, OP mentioned he got it for free in a conference raffle: Dell already achieved their free publicity/sponsorship/whatever by announcing this laptop in the beginning of the conference, and by the time the raffle winner was announced, it is already out of Dell's hands, and between OP and organisers.

Raffle definitions


a lottery in which the prizes are goods rather than money


dispose of in a lottery; "We raffled off a trip to the Bahamas"