Radiotherapy in a sentence as a noun

Viruses are the only way to change the DNA of a living humanRadiation can also change the DNA, and radiotherapy can also be used to cure some cancers.

He wouldn't die today - he would undergo chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery, would go bald, but would live to see his grandchildren.

They made custom radiation shields for patients undergoing radiotherapy.

... and X-rays, radiotherapy, scintigraphy...Still, the fact is that "radiation", for the layman, means nocive radioactivity.

Yes there are systems, like radiotherapy machines or pacemakers, that need to be developed and tested to Nasa like specsBut the FDA take the approach that anything medical is life threatening.

They had to be a surgical candidate, with no chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or biologic/targeted therapy for that tumor or any other malignancy in the past 5 years.

Cancer therapies on the other hand are going to improve enormously in the near future as forms of narrowly targeted cell destruction take over from the present standards of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, coupled with greatly improved early detection.

Radiotherapy definitions


(medicine) the treatment of disease (especially cancer) by exposure to a radioactive substance

See also: radiation actinotherapy irradiation