Radiometer in a sentence as a noun

The thermal effect that drives a radiometer[1] should be too slow to transmit audio.

The flight deck had a radiometer and an instrument to measure the rate of decrease of radiation.

This uses a series of radiometers and radars to provide a much more detailed picture, that also includes 3d data.

A gyroscope, a radiometer, pentominoes, a lego bucket, a chess set?

Cool project -- sort of like an electromagnetic radiometer.

These satellites employ what are known as passive radiometers: devices that detect how much radiation is present in a specific frequency band.

> How does radiation propel in any circumstance?It depends on the type of radiation, but two mechanisms jump to mind for me:The first is direct action of photons, as in a Crookes radiometer.

As you can measure the Stefan-Boltzmann constant being creative with a radiometer, you could determine increasingly accurate values of Pi experimentally.

**** through the table of contents and you get transformations, shapes, primitives, color and radiometery, sampling, reflection, materials, texture, scattering, light sources, monte carlo integration...And for what?

Radiometer definitions


meter to detect and measure radiant energy (electromagnetic or acoustic)