Radioisotope in a sentence as a noun

Then you only need to bring control systems, motors, and radioisotope generators to mars rather then a bunch of multi ton robots.

They used to use radioisotope powered batteries in cardiac pacemakers up until the mid 80s.

Much like actually building a well sealed box with a cat, a radioisotope source, and a geiger counter wouldn't actually be a "great step forward for Quantum Physics" in 2014.

There are other fuels available in large quantities at a low price, like Strontium-90 used in many Russian radioisotope thermoelectric generators.

When dispersing the radioisotope, by definition and design the RDD dilutes the concentration of the radiation source, spreading smaller amounts of radiation over a larger area.

From my wikipedia dive: the Voyager spacecraft are powered by "radioisotope thermoelectric generators", each of which is essentially a barrel full of plutonium spheres.

Maximizing the harmful effects of radiation involves maximizing the exposure of the victims to the highest possible concentration of a radioisotope.

It is about energy budget; with the radioisotope thermoelectric generator, "nuclear battery," there is ample power not only to move such a behemoth around, but also to power some really interesting scientific instruments.

Radioisotope definitions


a radioactive isotope of an element; produced either naturally or artificially