Racecourse in a sentence as a noun

There was just enough wind to make the banners that marked the racecourse snap and flutter now and then.

Important detail: "Its not clear how many of these 300,000 miles were driven on Googles secret racecourse, by the way."

When asking for the doctor, they found that it was actually the racecourse veterinarian who had made the call.

Are you implying that the emergency call was for a horse/dog in cardiac arrest, or just that the racecourse vet was the 'doctor' performing on the human?

Aristotle in Rhetoric: "a body capable of enduring all efforts, either of the racecourse or of bodily strength...This is why the athletes in the pentathlon are most beautiful"

> The most striking exception to this rule is horseracing, where all the action takes place in just a few minutes, the half-hour interval between races is dedicated to sociability, and friendly interaction between strangers is actively encouraged by racecourse etiquette.

Racecourse definitions


a course over which races are run

See also: racetrack raceway track