Qualm in a sentence as a noun

My only qualm is that they're not serving NYC yet.

I like that article, but have one major qualm about it.

If your qualm is with said abusers, profile, detect, and prosecute them.

I agree with your "what can we add next" qualm, but I'm not feeling that way about variables in CSS.

Yeah that's the qualm I've always had with that 'experiment' in a subway you're on your way to do something else, usually on a time crunch.

The graffiti can be considered unnecessary and should never have occurred to begin with. The landlord would have no qualm with removing it.

If they die its not so much too control, but rest assured these agencies have no qualm of taking or ruining a life or 100 000 lives to further their own interests.

On the one hand corporations are amoral profit machines, completely without qualm or consideration for the human element.

My qualm with Stratfor is they assume the reader has a theoretical foundation in geopolitics, economics, and military strategy and history.

The only qualm I have about incorporating in the UK revolves around how much personal data Companies House sells that subsequently gets splashed across the internet for all to see, free of charge.

Depending on the founders, the board of directors, and the investors, it will also, without a qualm, throw you under the bus if that is beneficial to them, especially if you already do not get along with the founder.

My only qualm from reading it thus far is the very last section under Navigation [1] regarding System-to-app navigation:"For the Back key, you should make navigation more predictably [sic] by inserting into the task's back stack the complete upward navigation path to the app's topmost screen."No.

Qualm definitions


uneasiness about the fitness of an action

See also: scruple misgiving


a mild state of nausea

See also: queasiness squeamishness