Qualification in a sentence as a noun

Encourage her to go and get the best job available for her qualification.

You set up qualification barriers for great candidates.

Instead, this is a story about lowering qualification standards.

It's an important qualification to an extent, but character and vision and stability are secondary factors that will wag the dog, so to speak.

I'm respectful of your qualifications, but annoyed when you use your credentials without qualification.

I would then advise working on skills like lead qualification over sending out 100 more resumes into a process which, as your big brother who loves you has to point out, you must have designed to fail.

The most worrying angles seem to be human factors issues: the lack of coordination between drone crews and airport ATC, and the apparent deficits in training/qualification of pilots.

They abandoned that policy around 2006, as they found it impossible to hire, and they also found that the types of candidates that met that qualification often weren't that attractive.

Here is my concern: that the EU will make an exemption for security researchers/white-hat hackers, but only those recognised by a certain qualification or professional body.

How about every distro that wants to allow binary drivers to run builds their own CA infrastructure, verification and qualification team and revocation infrastructure.

If you were my little brother, and you told me that you had applied to 100 jobs you were strongly qualified for and got zero offers, I would put on my big brother pants and make some fairly pointed observations about your skills, beginning with lead qualification.

Qualification definitions


an attribute that must be met or complied with and that fits a person for something; "her qualifications for the job are excellent"; "one of the qualifications for admission is an academic degree"; "she has the makings of fine musician"

See also: making


the act of modifying or changing the strength of some idea; "his new position involves a qualification of his party's platform"


a statement that limits or restricts some claim; "he recommended her without any reservations"

See also: reservation