Quadriplegia in a sentence as a noun

It seems like quadriplegia would be like taking a massive muscle relaxant.

Meet Todd Stabelfeldt, founder of C4 Consulting, who has lived with quadriplegia since the age of 8.

Surviving with quadriplegia would be recovery but I believe an SAE

It was from a man who suffered a host of physical ailments, including quadriplegia, and could barely leave his bed, nevermind his house.

Comparing your anxiety to quadriplegia and advising the OP to be more like yourself seems even more patronizing.

Conditions like cerebral palsy, ALS, quadriplegia, etc force otherwise healthy people into isolation.

Success presumably means total quadriplegia - and this exacerbated most likely by 'total body rejection' - or maybe even 'head rejection' depending on who is in control!

I had one professor who exemplified the hostile, even when I had a series of well-documented life crises and tried to work with him. While my other professors worked with me, this individual would make no allowances - to include allowing me to miss class to have emergency surgery to prevent imminent quadriplegia.

Full disclosure I helped beta test a couple of versions of iOS accessibility stuff, but there isn't another company in the world where you could take a laptop or phone out-of-the-box and within 5 minutes be up and running as a person with quadriplegia.

Quadriplegia definitions


paralysis of both arms and both legs