Pussyfoot in a sentence as a verb

Don't pussyfoot around with doctors when your brain is at stake.

Don't pussyfoot around it and play the "we just don't know that much about it yet" lie.

I just think the calling out portion needs to be hardcore and not pussyfoot around it.

He doesn't pussyfoot around it or grease it in social lubricant.

Don't you think the tech lead will when they go ask him about it?Why pussyfoot around the issue?A start-up I worked at went through this after I left.

If you can't handle someone not bother to pussyfoot around and preface any statement with an "IMO" disclaimer, that seems like your problem.

I'm not going to pussyfoot my way through every slightly-more-intimate interaction I take in this life.

He would like changes in protocol and can only pussyfoot around the real issue, police brutality, because everyone agrees that he deserved a beating.

If you founded a company equally with two other people and, after leaving fully vested, they exercised enough shares of stock to reduce your 33% to .0001%, are you going to pussyfoot around semantics when describing this behavior?

No, seriously, when people point out all of the "Android" faults they've found invariably it is some variation of "but it isn't really Google's fault....".Project Zero is brilliant, full of brilliant people, and is a remarkable effort, but when your paycheque is signed off by someone, it is human nature that you're really going to pussyfoot with them.

Pussyfoot definitions


to go stealthily or furtively; "..stead of sneaking around spying on the neighbor's house"

See also: sneak mouse creep