Purging in a sentence as a noun

The last ones I wrote were for purging files acording their date and for compiling Forms/Reports.

At 80 km/h, drivers tend to be pumping on and off the throttle, purging the turbo pressure repeatedly.

Instead of purging the vocabulary, they shuld have tought it/she/him the concept of registers[0] and code switching[1].

Something tells me that purging your best devs for being insufficiently progressive is not going to attract more females.

Purging in a sentence as an adjective

My understanding is that Sinofsky was just purging many partner-level folks.

A movement that seems to have contempt for as many people as the populist movement does seems like it could easily degenerate into its own tyranny and purging.

Perhaps more financial instruments used to enjoy a AAA rating until the Savings & Loan scandal of the late 80s, and the sudden upward jump in ratings represents the purging of bad assets from the financial system following the recession of the early 90s. But really, I don't know.

Purging definitions


an act of removing by cleansing; ridding of sediment or other undesired elements

See also: purge


the act of clearing yourself (or another) from some stigma or charge

See also: purge purgation


serving to purge or rid of sin; "purgatorial rites"

See also: purgatorial purifying