Psoas in a sentence as a noun

A job partner told me about the psoas stretching and it works!

For what it's worth, I had a painful lower back for ~1 year, and one day I massaged the psoas muscle trigger points, and my back pain _disappeared_.

Generally the advice is to strengthen your lower abs and glutes, whilst stretching your psoas and hamstrings.

****, just sitting down too often necessitates stretching, lest your psoas shrink from the position.

PRI[0] + Stott Pilates[1] has been life changing for me because its basically all about getting your psoas muscles strong and limber.

I know it seems ridiculous to spend $50-100 on a piece of injection molded plastic, but this thing[0] has been the best I've found for getting deep enough into my abdomen to loosen my psoas.

Psoas definitions


either of two muscles of the abdomen and pelvis that flex the trunk and rotate the thigh